Ever since the start of the pandemic, our lives has changed drastically. Majority of our daily lives are now limited to only to a few activities. Most of us stay at home and only go out when we have to. Because of this chaos, dentistry has been an afterthought.With that being said, there are some limitations on dentistry aswell. Most of the treatment methods, especially the aesthetical ones, are now banned for a good period of time. Because of that, most of the appointments are postponed till mid to late summer.




Why is There Are a Ban / Restrictions?

Even though majority of the population dont have the covid 19 infection, we still need to approach this like as everyone is infected. This is simply because of the fact that the virus is very contagius and a good part of the infected people doesnt even get the symptoms.This is an enemy that we cant even see. Therefore, it's best to take this situation very seriously and with great care. Asuming everyone is infected makes the situation more under control. It also eliminates the potential of people becoming infected while they are on their way to a dentist.




We also have to note that while we are doing a treatment, we use a drill pretty much %90 of the time. This creates  saliva and blood particles to burst into the faces of the dentists or to the other sides of the room. We know that covid virus can stay at air for a while and this increases the risk of getting infection.The other possibility is when the dentist actually has covid virus but doesnt show the symptoms. Even though our dentists use a mask while doing their job, this is a risk that we can't take. Our job means nothing if we put not only ourselves, but you at risk aswell.




Because of these risk factors, we only do couple of treatment methods for patients that need urgent dental care.


What If I Am Covid Positive But Need Urgent Dental Care

There is always a possibility that you might need immediate dental care even if you have covid 19. You might get hit at your jaw/teeth or had an accident where you injured your lower part of the face. In these situations, we don't turn down patients.We sterile the entire clinic and use extra protection. We also take extra precautions to control the patients virus while performing the surgery. Because of these measure’s, we insure the patients health and ours. Contact us if you need more info.





So What Treatment's Are Banned?

There are couple of methods and procedures that we don't do in this pandemic. Make sure to know that these are banned for not only yours but also ours safety, so please don't criticize. İf we get that out of the way, here are some of the things that we don't do now;

  • Teeth whitening
  • Teeth polishing
  • Gingivectomy
  • Crown lenghtening
  • Dental implants
  • Dental crowns
  • Veneers
  • Jaw surgery’s
  • Bone graft
  • Denture check ups ( we can face-time clients for advice)
  • Loose teeth
  • Teeth fillings ( more information below)
  • Tooth extractions (more info below)
  • Bridge treatments
  • Root canal treatments(more info below)





Basically, any treatment that requires a good close up care are postponed till mid to late summer. These dates can change based on the pandemics situation. If there is a second wave coming, the dates can extend to september. Stay in touch with us for more accurate date assumptions.

What to do When in Urgent Need?

We know that there are some situations where the patients need an immediate care for their teeth. These patients mostly are under pain because of a dental problem or are in danger of a potential complication because of a dental treatment. Here are some problems that should be fixed;

  • When a patient needs urgent care based on a doctors guidance.
  • When mental problems cause a patient to develop gum and teeth problems that can result in the loss of a natural tooth tissue.
  • Severe gum infections.
  • When the patient is involved in a severe accident and injured his/her jaw and needs urgent care. Same can be applied for teeth problems that require immediate fillings.
  • When there is a nerve damage that needs to be addressed immediatly.





Apart from that, we don't do routine check-ups and other dental stuff. Only the most necessary problems that require immediate attention is issued. If you feel bad or think that you need a dentists touch, let us know first and we can figure it out together.



What Can I Do At Home?

If you are at home and face with a couple of minor problems such as gum inflammationpale teeth color and hypersensivity at your teeth, you can do couple of things to change these problems. First things first, a good dental hygiene is a must. Since you are at home, you can't ditch this issue.Apart from a good dental routine, you can also use teeth whitening kits to make your teeth whiter. If you want to know more information, you can check our teeth whitening blog (link here). Last but not not least, if you feel sensivity at your teeth, avoid cold and hot foods for a while.





If the problems continue, contact us, there might be more to it than that. But a few days of eating normal food should do the trick. If you do all of these, especially the dental hygiene part, you can maintain your dental health without any problems.


What is Our Preventative Measures?

We want our patients to know that we take this pandemic very seriously. Thats why we created a 1 year guidline on how to keep our patients safe and how to make our work place as virus free as possible. Here are some of the rules;1- We take extra sterilization and disinfection measures.2- We put a limitation to our dentists. There will only be 2 dentist at the clinic for everyday.3- As a patient companion, we accept maximum 1 person to the clinic. We also do not take them to the surgery rooms.4- We measure the fever of everyone who enters the clinic.5- We ensure that everyone entering the clinic disinfects their hands.6- We work with face visor and disposable aprons.7- We ventilate the clinic after each patient, we regularly disinfect the air of every part of the clinic with hychlorous.8- We wait at least 30 minutes between each patient before taking the new patient and we also completely disinfect the clinic.9- In the clinic, we disinfect every corner and pretty much every place from door handles to desks.






  • As of JUNE 2020, we welcome our foreign and native patient's to our clinic for every type of treatment procedure. We still put a huge emphesis on our preventative measures and clean/disenfect our clinic every hour. Thank you for time!